Quick tips

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Create appointment slots in Canvas calendar

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Hypothes.is annotation tool brings collaborative and active reading to your course materials.

ally logo
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Ally accessibility checker can help you make your Canvas course more accessible.

You can make your synchronous (in-person or online) classes more accessible by using closed captions in your PowerPoint presentations.

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You can create an extra reminder by adding your Canvas pages to the student to-do list. 

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Are you worried about teaching with a mask and being heard by your students?

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Setting up student accommodations in Canvas quizzes.

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Add padding to the canvas images to create space between your image and the text next to it. This may improve readability.

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You can check the validity of links to course content throughout your course. The course link validator scans through course content and returns invalid or unresponsive links in both published and unpublished content. 

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